How does the abortion pill work?
The abortion pill, also known as medication abortion or chemical abortion, is used to end an early pregnancy up to 11 weeks. The abortion pill is a combination of two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol.
Mifepristone – Mifepristone is the first drug taken in the abortion pill regimen. This drug stops the body from producing progesterone, a necessary hormone for the pregnancy to grow.
Misoprostol – Misoprostol is the second abortion pill taken. This drug causes the uterus to contract and prepares the body to expel the pregnancy.
How far along can I take the abortion pill?
The abortion pill can be taken up to 11 weeks of pregnancy. That is 2 and a half months (or 77 days) since the first day of your last menstrual period.
If you are past 11 weeks, the abortion pill becomes less effective. Serious risks and complications, like the need for emergency surgery to complete the procedure, are also more likely. Before you have an abortion, it is important to get an ultrasound to confirm how far along you are in your pregnancy.

Are Mail Order Abortions Safe?

For safety reasons, the FDA strongly advises against purchasing abortion pills online. Many online abortion pill providers are located outside of the United States, so the pills they provide may not meet FDA standards. These pills could be counterfeit, expired, or tampered with. [1]
Do I need an ultrasound before taking the abortion pill?
For your health and safety, an ultrasound is a crucial first step before thinking about taking the abortion pill. An ultrasound can alert you of anything abnormal about your pregnancy which could affect the abortion pill process and your body. It also helps you determine what type of abortion you are eligible for.
Ultrasounds determine 3 things:
1. How far along you are
2. Whether the pregnancy is growing
3. If the pregnancy is viable (alive)
Without confirmation of how far along you are in your pregnancy, you might accidentally take the abortion pill past 11 weeks and risk serious complications.
An ultrasound can help you feel confident in what pregnancy options are best and safest for you.
Common Abortion Pill Side Effects
There are side effects with any medication or procedure. Common side effects of the abortion pill include [2]:

- Cramping
- Bleeding
- Back pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Chills
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Headache
Do not hesitate to call your medical practitioner or seek medical attention immediately if you feel like something is wrong.
Does Harmony provide abortions?
We do not provide or refer for abortions. However, we do provide medically accurate information and education on abortion, pregnancy options, and resources available to you.
Get abortion pill information so you can make a confident pregnancy decision.
Our Location
Harmony Women’s Care
845 North Main St.
Suite 3
Providence, RI 02904
(Patient parking on Abbott Street)