Did you miss a period?
Just because you are showing pregnancy symptoms does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. Try not to panic. At home pregnancy tests can sometimes be inaccurate.
At Harmony, we offer free lab-quality urine tests to measure pregnancy hormones in your system.
A pregnancy test is just the first step.
A pregnancy test alone is not a reliable source to confirm viability (if the pregnancy is alive). Because up to 1 in 4 pregnancies end on their own before the 7th week, an ultrasound is an important next step after getting a positive test [1].

Step 3
Make an informed pregnancy decision you are confident in.
An ultrasound will confirm if your pregnancy is viable (alive) and will indicate how far along you are – two crucial pieces of information to help determine your options. We offer limited ultrasounds as part of a free, confidential pregnancy evaluation.
If you think you might be pregnant, contact us today to make an appointment.
Confirm if you are pregnant and explore your pregnancy options.
Our Location
Harmony Women’s Care
845 North Main St.
Suite 3
Providence, RI 02904
(Patient parking on Abbott Street)