Before an Abortion

Thinking about an abortion? Make sure you know the

answers to these 4 questions before scheduling an abortion.




Schedule an Appointment

A pregnancy evaluation is standard care for any woman considering an abortion.  

4 things to do before you have an abortion:  

1. Make sure your pregnancy is viable

A viable pregnancy means a developing fetus is present and alive. 1 in 5 pregnancies end on their own before 7 weeks, many times without you knowing [1].  

A pregnancy test alone is not a reliable source to confirm viability.  

Schedule a free ultrasound today.

2. Find out how far along you are

How far along you are in your pregnancy (also known as gestational age) influences what abortion options you may be eligible for and how much it will cost.  

Accidently taking the abortion pill after 11 weeks increases your risk for an incomplete abortion and serious complications. 

An ultrasound can help determine an accurate gestational age.  

3. Get tested for STIs 

Having an abortion with an undetected STI increases your risk for complications during the procedure and may lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) which can affect future reproductive health [2,3]. 

Get free STI testing today.

4. Understand abortion specifics, risks, and complications 

You deserve to be fully informed. Before making a decision, it’s important for a medical professional to educate you on how each abortion procedure is performed, how it will affect your body, and what complications and risks are possible.  

Our medical professionals at Harmony can talk you through these specifics and make sure you feel confident in your pregnancy decision. 

Schedule a free pregnancy evaluation today. 

Harmony is your first step.

Harmony offers free pregnancy evaluations that include: 

  • No-cost lab-quality pregnancy test
  • No-cost ultrasound
  • No-cost STI testing that screens for chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Abortion information on procedures, risks, and side effects
  • Pregnancy options, resources, and more.
Pregnancy options

At Harmony, we offer answers to these crucial questions in a free, confidential appointment.

The information on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling, medical or prenatal care.
Our services are provided to clients without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability, or other arbitrary circumstances. In keeping with our non-profit, pro-woman mission, Harmony Women's Care Center does not provide or refer for abortion services.
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